Charter Commission

Charter Commission

On August 6, 2013, the voters in Jonesville elected the members of the Charter Commission. The Commission was charged with drafting a proposed Charter for the potential incorporation of the Village into a City. The provisions that are required and optional in the Charter are described in State Law in the Home Rule Cities Act.

The Charter Commission appointed a subcommittee of its membership to an Administrative Committee that reviewed State Law requirements and recommended Charter language to the members of the Charter Commission. 

The draft Charter was submitted to the Governor's office in October of 2013.  Following review by the State Attorney General's Office and update by the Charter Commission, the final draft was submitted to the Governor on March 12, 2014.  On April 7, 2014, Governor Rick Snyder approved the proposed Jonesville City Charter. Jonesville voters approved the Charter at the August 5, 2014 general election.  The necessary filings were subsequently completed with the Michigan Department of State, making Jonesville's incorporation as a City official on August 14, 2014. 

With Incorporation, the Charter Commission's work was complete.  Commissioners were recognized for their work at the first City Council meeting on August 20, 2014.

State Boundary Commission Information

Charter Commission

Chairperson, David Steel
Vice-Chairperson, Jim Marks
Commissioner, John Ciarvino
Commissioner, Betty Fast
Commissioner, Ron Hayes
Commissioner, Les Hutchinson
Commissioner, Scott Leising
Commissioner, Jim Pope
Commissioner, Mike Venturini

Administrative Committee

Chairperson, David Steel
Vice-Chairperson, Jim Marks
Commissioner, Ron Hayes