Water & Wastewater Treatment

Water & Wastewater Treatment

The City employs three certified water and wastewater operators at the treatment plant who are responsible for the drinking water production and treatment operations and the 13 mile sewer collection system. 

Wastewater Treatment Plant 

The City of Jonesville upgraded the wastewater treatment facility in August of 2005. The upgrade doubled the flow capacity from 0.3 million gallons per day to 0.61 million gallons per day. The facility includes two trickling filters and two clarifiers designed to remove both biochemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen. The plant is also equipped with pressure filters and ultraviolet light for disinfection. New bio-solids treatment and storage areas were also constructed at that time. The plant is able to meet new guidelines set by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality for discharge into the St. Joseph River.

The Sewer Lateral Policy can be viewed by clicking on Utility Documents and Forms in the Quick Links section.

Water Production and Treatment 

The water supply at the City of Jonesville is supplied by two wells each capable of pumping more than 500 gallons per minute. The water is treated to remove iron before it is pumped into the City water distribution system. After the iron is removed, the water is disinfected with chlorine, and fluoride is added at recommended state levels. A 500,000 gallon spherical water tower provides storage, fire protection, and water pressure throughout the City. The iron removal plant is equipped with a permanent standby generator that will provide water during times of power failure.

The latest Drinking Water Quality Report can be viewed by clicking on Utility Documents and Forms in the Quick Links section.

Laboratory Services

The Waste Water Treatment Plant staff provide water testing services through the City's certified laboratory.  These include many of the common tests needed on private wells and water supplies.  Contact the staff for a current list of the tests that can be provided and a schedule of fees for testing.

Water Distribution

The Department of Public Works is responsible for the maintenance of approximately 19 miles of underground water mains.  In addition, meter readings are conducted by the DPW. 

The City of Jonesville is committed to providing safe drinking water to all of its residents.  In order to protect the water supply and to meet the requirements of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, the City conducts a cross connection control program.  This program includes inspections of all commercial and industrial properties.  Additional information is included on the Cross Connection Control section of our website.



Shawn Mullaly
Interim WWTP Superintendent

 Waste Water Treatment Plant
 (517) 849-9450

Dial 911 for after-hours water emergencies