What Does it Mean to be a Volunteer Firefighter?
The Jonesville Fire Department takes great pride in protecting and serving the community. Some of the duties of JCFD:
- Respond to any fire - Structural, Vehicle, Wildland, Etc.
- Vehicle and Personal Injury Accidents
- Gas and Odor Investigation
- Hazmat Incidents
- Citizen Assists: Animal Rescue, Etc.
- Electrical Wires Down
- Community Events
- Fire Safety Education Events
Did You Know?
According to a 2014 report from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
- Nationwide, volunteer fire departments save taxpayers $139.8 billion per year in firefighting costs.
- About 70 percent of America’s firefighters are volunteers
- 85 percent of the nation’s fire departments are all or mostly volunteer.
- The smallest communities – those with fewer than 10,00 residents – are almost always served by volunteer departments.
The Jonesville Fire Department is Recruiting New Members
Help us continue to provide quality, professional service to our community by joining us.
- Have you ever heard a siren or seen a fire engine – and wondered what was happening?
- Have you ever witnessed or come upon a motor vehicle accident – and wished you could help?
- Have you been there when someone was stricken with sudden illness – and wanted to assist?
- Are you looking for new lifelong friendships, challenges and rewards?
- Do you want to become involved in your community?
The Jonesville Fire Department provides training and equipment and no prior experience is needed. Volunteer Firefighters are paid per call, per meeting and for each training session. Firefighters are not expected to leave work, if employment doesn't allow.
Why not join the department and make a difference in this community? Complete an Employment Application and submit to:
Jonesville City Hall
265 E. Chicago Street
Jonesville, MI 49250
We hope you make the decision to join us. Contact any Jonesville City Firefighter or call City Hall for more detailed information.
Other Information
Camp Fire Permits – Call City Hall for more information.
The Storm Siren Testing is the first Monday of each month, April to October. The severe weather siren tones are:
- Watch – 30 second steady tone
- Warning – 3 minutes up and down wail
Rick Riggs
Deputy Chief |
Scott Lucas
Assistant Chief |