Zoning Permits & Community Development

Building and Construction in Jonesville

When you are planning new construction or building additions, zoning and building permits are required before you start construction.  In the Jonesville city limits, zoning approvals are handled by the City.  Building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits are handled by the Hillsdale County Building Inspection Office.  Most of the time for new construction and building additions, you will have to have a zoning approval first, before you apply for your building permit.

Zoning Approvals

Before starting a project on a single-family home or lot, you will probably need a Zoning Permit.  This includes building additions, new porches or patios, driveway work, and sheds or garages.  Occasionally, work on a single-family property will require review by the Zoning Board of Appeals or the Planning Commission.  But in most cases, the Zoning Administrator will be able to approve your request.  Most Zoning Permits are reviewed within 1 to 2 business days after a complete application is received. 

A complete application will include a readable drawing that shows what you plan to build, with distances to lot lines, streets, and other buildings on your lot.  It will also include all of the information that is requested on the application form, including lot size and zoning district.  If you don't know this information, City staff can assist you.  Incomplete applications will take longer to review.

To download a Zoning Permit, click on Zoning Applications and Fee Schedule under the Quick Links, then select Zoning Permit Application.

Submit your completed application to City Hall.  The staff can answer any questions that you have before you submit the application fee.

Most new construction on other properties requires approval of a Site Plan by the Planning Commission.  Some small projects that involve new construction less than 5,000 square feet or building additions of less than 25% of the existing building can be approved by staff.  

Site Plan Review Applications can be found by clicking on Zoning Applications and Fee Schedule under the Quick Links on this page.  Don't hesitate to contact staff at City Hall at (517) 849-2104 for assistance with getting the right application for your project.

Preliminary/Conceptual Site Plan Review

Applicants are encouraged to contact staff to schedule a meeting for a preliminary review of your site plan for a proposed development project, before you submit your application.  There is NO CHARGE for these reviews.  The goal is for staff to better understand your plans for your property, and for staff to help you find the correct applications and to inform you of the typical review procedures and timeframes.

This process will be more successful if you bring preliminary drawings that show the building, parking and driveways, landscaping and other improvements that you are proposing, on the proposed site, with distances to property lines, streets, and other buildings.  Often, we can identify issues that need to be addressed on your plans that will allow you to make updates and get the board approvals that you need.

Contact City Hall at (517) 849-2104 to schedule an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need approval from the City to put on a new roof?
A: If you are putting new shingles, metal roofing, or a rubber membrane on an existing roof, no.  If you are extending a roof or changing the pitch, then you will need a Zoning Permit before you get started.  Don't forget that a Building Permit is required for most roofing projects, so always check with the Hillsdale County Building Inspection Office too.

Q: Do I need approval from the City to put a shed by my house?
A: Yes, you always need a Zoning Permit before you put up a shed, garage or other storage building.  This is true even for small buildings that do not require a Building Permit.  The Zoning Administrator will review your application to make sure that the shed is placed the right distance from property lines and other buildings.

Q: I am opening a new business in the Downtown, does the City have any programs to help?
A: If you are making improvements to the exterior of the building, you should take advantage of our Facade Improvement Program.  Click on Downtown Development Authority in the Related Pages section for more information.

Q: I am interested in building in the Industrial Park.  Do you have lots available?
A: Yes!  Check out the Jonesville Industrial Park in the Related Pages section.  You will find information on the available lots, amenities in the park, and other important information.  The City and the LDFA offer competitive financial incentives to assist with the construction of new manufacturing businesses and expansions in the Industrial Park.

Q: I am going to be working on my driveway or parking lot.  Do I need approval from the City?
A: In most cases, yes.  Especially if your work will meet up to the City street or sidewalk; this work in the City's right-of-way needs approval from the Zoning Administrator.

Q: I have a question and I don't see it answered here.  Who do I call?
A: Contact City Hall at (517) 849-2104 or check out the Staff Directory in Quick Links.


Charles Crouch, Zoning Administrator

Cindy Means, City Clerk

 City Hall, 265 E. Chicago Street
 (517) 849-2104

Building Permit Contact

Hillsdale County Building Inspection Office

Martin Taylor, Chief Building Official

 Hillsdale County Office Building
     33 McCollum St., Room 102
     Hillsdale, MI 49242
 Building Inspection Website
 (517) 437-4130