
LDFA - Local Development Finance Authority

The City of Jonesville's Local Development Finance Authority (LDFA) was created in 1989 and amended the area boundaries in 1993 to promote economic growth and revitalization by using Tax Increment Financing to stimulate new private investments and broaden the local tax base. 

The LDFA Board meets the third Wednesday of every other month at 8:30 A.M. at City Hall, 265 E. Chicago Street. The public is always welcome to attend.

Board Members

Chair Rick Schaerer, Jonesville Paper Tube
Gerry Arno, Jonesville City Mayor
Victor Face, DH Roberts Contruction
Ryan Griffiths, Jonesville Community Schools Representative
Steve Harding, NEFCO
Linda Garcia, Martinrea Jonesville
Jim Parker, Jonesville Tool & Mfg.
Steve Lanius, County Representative
Erik Weatherwax, Jonesville Community Schools Representative


The LDFA prepares an annual operating budget and a five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).  These are approved annually as a component of the overall City budget and CIP.  The LDFA and City operate on a fiscal year that begins on July 1st and concludes on June 30th.

The City of Jonesville has an audit report prepared annually by and independent Certified Public Accounting Firm.  The LDFA funds are included in this annual audit.

The LDFA does not have any current contracts.  It reimburses for costs associated with City expenses for contract mowing services.  A copy of this agreement is available at City Hall upon request.