Service Groups

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Jonesville Service Groups

Jonesville Lions Club
c/o Deb Hollister or Don Germann
County National Bank
228 E Chicago St.
Jonesville, MI 49250

Meetings:  1st Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at Olivia's Chop House, 205 E. Chicago Street

President:  Deb Hollister 

Call Deb Hollister at (517) 398-3494 or Don Germann (517) 677-1945 with any questions. 


Jonesville American Legion
Boyce-Carpenter-Bunce Post 195
P.O. Box 274
Jonesville, MI 49250


Meetings:  1st & 3rd Thursday of each month at 8:00 p.m. at the Jonesville Police Department, 116 W. Chicago St., Jonesville, Michigan.

Commander - Larry Rathbun
Phone:  (517) 849-9047

Jonesville Rotary Club, organized in 1947
265 E. Chicago Street
Jonesville, MI 49250

Rotary District:  6360
Meetings: Each Wednesday at Noon, at Olivia's Chop House, 205 E. Chicago Street

For information please please visit their website: Jonesville Rotary