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Census Explained

Census Information

Once every decade, the federal government conducts a census of the entire population to count everyone in the United States and record basic information about them. Our nation’s founders believed this data was so important that they mandated the decennial census in the Constitution. In 2020, for the first time ever, the Census will receive responses online and by phone.

The Census directs funding to vital programs, services and projects that make our community stronger. Census data is used to decide on funding to our communities that feed our children; gets housing for the homeless; helps with education; empowers minorities; supports immigrants; keeps seniors active and healthy; creates jobs; fixes roads and so much more. Census funding impacts almost everything that’s important to you!

The Census is for everyone and it’s easy. All populations count – immigrants, minorities, seniors, the homeless, babies, teens, people in jail – everyone! All people living in the same household should be counted. You don’t need to be related, a permanent citizen or over 18 to be counted.

The Census asks fewer questions than a social media profile. The questions are simple – age, name, gender, birthday, race/ethnicity, relationship to head of household, owner or renter and phone number. The few minutes it will take to answer the questions equals millions of dollars to our community for vital services and programs.

By law, everything you share stays confidential for 75 years! No other government agencies will see your answers, including ICE, the FBI and CIA, police, landlords, the IRS or any other agency. You can respond online, by phone or mail.

In March, Census invitations are mailed to households. Census Day will take place on April 1, 2020 where the community is encouraged to complete the Census. Events will take place in various parts of Hillsdale County. July 2020 will be the last few days to complete the survey.

The Census creates a better future. Census data is used for 10 years to decide local funding. In our area, each person equals about $1,800 per person, per year, which means one missed person equals $18,000. You can help create a better future for our community by taking the Census. For more information, visit 2020census.gov. #HillsdaleCountyCounts

Census Presentation
