The City of Jonesville is committed to providing safe drinking water to all of its residents. In order to protect the water supply and to meet the requirements of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), the City conducts a Cross Connection Control Program.
A cross connection is a link between a possible source of contamination and the drinking water supply. The program is designed to prevent the backflow or backsiphonage of contamination into the drinking water supply.
Backflows can occur when there is a sudden drop in water pressure, as can occur with a water main break or repair; they are also possible when a high demand for water happens, like when water is needed at a hydrant for fire fighting.
This program includes inspections of all commercial and industrial properties. Inspections are intended to identify potential cross connections and to identify appropriate corrections.
In addition, the Michigan State Plumbing Code requires that Backflow Prevention Assemblies be tested annually by qualified testers. |
Program Administration
The City has retained the services of HydroCorp to administer our Cross Connection Control Program. HydroCorp will be responsible for completing inspections of potential cross connections in commercial and industrial properties, and assuring that annual testing of backflow prevention assemblies is taking place.
When your facility is scheduled for inspection, you will receive a letter in advance from HydroCorp indicating the necessary information. HydroCorp staff will have photo identification. If you have questions about your inspection, you can contact HydroCorp at (248) 250-5019. Jodi Hensley is our account representative.
Other questions or concerns about the Cross Connection Control Program can be directed to City Hall at (517) 849-2104.
Additional resources related to cross connections and backflow prevention can be found at the following links. The FAQs provide some additional information about the inspection and backflow assembly testing procedures.