Board of Review

Board of Review

The Board of Review is appointed by the City Council and consists of three members who are registered electors in the City of Jonesville.  The Board holds an organizational meeting each year on the first Monday in March to appoint a chair and correct any errors in the tax roll.  The Board convenes on the third Monday in March for the purpose of hearing appeals of property assessments.  

The Board also meets in July and December for the purpose of correcting clerical errors, and considering poverty, veteran's, and elderly or disabled exemption requests. 

Meetings take place at City Hall, located at 265 E. Chicago Street.  The time of each meeting is printed on the annual meeting calendar.  All meetings of the Board of Review are open to the public.

Click here to see notice

Resolution 2023-01 - Board of Review Meetings

Resolution 2023-02 - Poverty Exemption Guidelines

Board Members

Joy Sutton, Chair
Dana Kyser
Larry Mix


Lenore Spahr, Finance Director/ Treasurer/Deputy Clerk
 City Hall, 265 E. Chicago Street
 (517) 849-2104

Chuck Zemla, City Assessor
 CSZ Services
 (517) 849-2104 or (989) 292-4422

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